Stress Management for Entertainers, Recording Acts, Film & TV Personalities and Sports Figures Personal Life Coach Zaps Entertainer's Stress-Press Release Personal Life & Career Coaching for Executives Corporate Training and Development
Media Interviews
Shelly Field is a frequent media guest nationwide discussing stress management, life balance, humor, time management, motivation, empowerment, stress free caregiving, casino gaming, customer service, careers and human resources. Field is a nationally recognized motivational speaker, stress specialist, career expert, personal life and career coach and author of over 45 best selling books. A former comedienne, she adds a humorous spin speaking to the media as well as when appearing at conventions, corporate functions, employee development seminars or other events. For more informatiaon regarding media interviews, personal appearances, keynote presentations, seminars or corporate training and development programs featuring Shelly Field please contact:
SFO Booking and PR Agency 845-794-7312 E-mail: shellyfield@twcny.rr.com